(From the archives: 2014) The Real "Glasshole"

(From the archives: 2014) The Real "Glasshole"

SXSW -- the place to be for the latest innovations in tech, exclusive concerts & testing your sleep-depravation harm levels. I love it.

It's also the place where I have seen the most Explorers concentrated in one area before Google Glass comes out for the general public to get. I was glad to no longer be the only one on the street being stared at in a funny way. 

But there was one bad thing that happened during SXSW directly related to Glass.

My Personal Resolutions for 2016

My Personal Resolutions for 2016

It hasn’t been common for me in the past that I come up with “New Year Resolutions” right before a year ends, or right after a year begins.

I have never thought there’s anything particularly special about a new year that makes a difference to change something about my life.

But this year, I thought: why not? 

Let’s pretend that after the champagne and the fireworks at midnight, we have a window of opportunity to improve aspects of our lives that we’ll have around 12 months to complete… or at least “begin”. If anything, it could’t hurt, could it?