I'm joining Google

I'm joining Google

I am very proud and excited to announce that a week from today, I will be joining Google as an Interaction Designer.

I’m particularly happy because, not only I’m joining an amazing team, but I’m joining one my “dream” companies.

No matter the industry, most of us can think of a few places that make this list. From before even competing my Masters degree in HCI, Google certainly was in mine.

Joining Google was not easy nor quick. It was, however, a very interesting journey and one I’m happy to share with everyone here.

BEATSOLATION - A Collection of Music Created While on Isolation

While we’re all trying to get through this CoronaVirus pandemic in the best we can, many of us are finding ourselves with extra-time while we stay at home to help “flatten the curve”.

One of the things I’ve found myself doing in this period of 4-ish weeks I’ve been mostly indoors is one of the things I love to do with my free time: music.