BEATSOLATION - A Collection of Music Created While on Isolation

[Last updated: 24 April, 2020]

While we’re all trying to get through this CoronaVirus pandemic in the best we can, many of us are finding ourselves with extra-time while we stay at home to help “flatten the curve”.

One of the things I’ve found myself doing in this period of 4-ish weeks I’ve been mostly indoors is one of the things I love to do with my free time: music.

I’m currently not staying where I live in San Francisco. instead I’m back in New York while this whole COVID-19 situation settles down a bit more. That means I don’t have access so my regular arsenal of synthesizers —but I DO have a computer with Ableton Live and an iPad with KORG Gadget. This is more than enough for me to keep myself entertained while I stay indoors.

The following are some of the tracks I’ve made lately. They are all written on the spot and without any prior idea in mind. Once I put some sort of cohesive melody together, I arrange it all in a way that is ready to sound like an actual song, grab the nearest camera I have near me, record it and upload it to IGTV on Instagram.

And now (for wider reach and better viewing), YouTube.

I will continue sharing new tunes here (and on my Instagram account), so keep visiting this site or subscribe to my YouTube channel for more.

Stay safe. Be well. And, if you feel inspired, create something new.

P.S. BEATSOLATION [V] is the first track that had potential to be a proper song, so I’ve included an edited, non-live version at the end of this post.